TSC is committed to keeping 100% of its student and affiliate information private and protected. We will continue to guarantee that our company will never "mine" the records of its students or affiliates for any data such as personal information or advertising, sales, or business practices (unless requested by a court or a state or regulatory agency). It is our goal and our commitment to you to ensure that your business information remains your proprietary information. TSC's business is based on the reliability of our data, and we will not compromise our relationship with you.
TSC is proud of our large affiliate "family," because we individualize every affiliate's licensing agreement on a company-by-company basis to help you offer only the products and services you desire. TSC is flexible in its contract terms and with the product(s) that you select, and TSC offers several flexible payment options. We'll work with you to offer you individualized choices that work for your business. We have developed an industry-wide reputation for integrity by working with all types of operations with the single goal of providing compelling course offerings and excellent customer service. TSC is here to help you succeed!
The information presented on this website and in other promotional contacts represents the goods and services offered by Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc. The purpose of these materials and any other oral or written contact is to inform you of the goods and services offered. This is not an attempt to encourage or otherwise solicit the termination or breach of any existing contracts that you may have with any other providers.